Registration Group – 0133
Specialised Supported Employment
As a registered NDIS provider of Specialised Supported Employment supports, we provide the following;
- Supports to assist Participants with employment where it is beyond the requirements of employment services and employers.
- Supports the Participant would require regardless of the activity they are undertaking (personal care, assistance with transport, assistive technology).
We also are responsible (through our Partners in Community, in particular, the Local Area Coordinators) for building relationships with mainstream providers and the local community to improve our understanding of the employment needs of people with disabilities.
Participants who identify employment as a goal in their Individualised NDIS Plan, will not necessarily receive ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’ funds in their Individualised NDIS Plan. Instead, they may be referred to mainstream supports and be assessed for their eligibility to meet Job Seekers Australia (JSA) access criteria. The exception will be people in transitioning Australian Disability Enterprises.
Employment supports under the NDIS remains a very complex area. Participants, families and other groups, will need greater clarity before support can be provided.
Click below to view employment opportunities