
Roadmap to: Don’t Discover New, Discover You - Who Am I?
Unravel Your True Self to Gain Greater Results

2-Hour Online Workshop (Level 1)


When looking in the mirror you see the reflection of oneself. Is this the person who I really am? Surely, there must be more than just my outer reflection which includes my skin, bones, eyes, ears, mouth, hair, shape, aches and pains. So, Who am I? I understand that there’s an inner being, self-purpose, selfhealth,
and SELF tucked somewhere deep inside.

I learned that we all wear a mask to belong, reform, and somehow find self-transformation in times of different stages and growth in our life. But how?

I’ve learnt if we truly understand our Why’s in life, then our How’s, would be completed. So hang on, why is it important to understand my Why’s while I’m here on this planet, and in this life, going through ups and downs of life-Why?

Why does it have to be this hard, this sad, this confusing, and this way?

I was inspired to write my “Who Am I book series for Adults, For Teens, For Pre-teens”, to go within by reconnecting to the mind, body, and spirit as your soul Chooses you! I believe we are all here for a reason, and not a season.

By deconstructing life like an onion peel, this Online Workshop will take you on a deeper level to reconnect to your inner being, which you are not consciously connected, at all times.

This is a 2-Hour Online Workshop journey of empowerment!

It is not meant to encourage any mental reeling of shame, guilt or remorse. It is necessary to witness our thoughts and actions from the space of- non-judgment and compassion. Expectations of our instantaneous perfection in wellness leads to disappointment and ultimately to a space of resentment against ourselves.

In this 2-Hour Online Workshop, we aim to understand personal questions like:


"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle

Imagine for a moment you knew exactly who you are, what you want and how to go about it. Imagine having the ability to build rapport instantly with people and have the gift of influence.

What would this mean to you?

As anxiety symptoms, depression rates and stress levels rise in society that is always “On“, emotional intelligence can be the deciding pause between a make-or-break decision.

So, if you are fed up with broken relationships; and if you’re fed up with constantly missing the mark; and if you’re fed up with the lack of passion, fun and laughter in your life, then this Workshop is for You!

What will you get from this 2-Hour Online Workshop

We will Unravel the True Self by


What's included?

Take the Roadmap to Don't Discover New, Discover You - Who Am I?

Unravel Your True Self to Gain Greater Results

Retreat Price: Normal price is $1500 per participant, but today's price is $750 per person.

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