
Who Am I Youth Workshops

Wellness Workshops

Our Wellness Workshops are designed to help you learn how to balance home, work, school, health and life. If you change your thoughts – you will change your life!

When you keep the elements of wellness in balance, you reduce stress, build closer connections, and become more self-satisfied.

Our main Workshops are very successfully delivered and the feedback is always life-changing for each participant.

The purpose of this Wellness workshop is to realise that we are all here for a reason – not a season & that life doesn’t happen to me – but for me!

Wk: 1: Introduction to Creativity & Who Am I? – while closely looking at what it means to Live with Wellness

Wk: 2: Where am I now and where do I want to be?

Wk: 3: How do I get there?

Wk: 4: The Art of Being Happy/ Evaluation & Reflection

This workshop is run one day a week for 2.5hrs over a 4 week period or within 2 full days or over a week end.


Wellness Workshops Include

Wellness Workshops allows individuals to enhance one's true spirit, enabling one's self to break free from the ego or the victim mentality.